
Hi.  Hope you’re doing well.

I have some information and some updates for you.

1.    The blog is where I will update you on district and class progress.

2.    I will be holding Office Hours starting THIS WEEK.  I designated 1 – 2 PM.  I will be available through email at that time; I can also work with you through Google Meet (you set it up and invite me to join, along with up to 4 other people) if you’d rather ask something quick in person.  I have 60 students to work with during those times, so it would need to be under 15 minutes.

3.    Until we hear otherwise, the district has told us that a) we cannot assign work for grades, and b) no one can mandate that you do work while we are out of school.

4.    If you are looking for something to read—like a book—here is the information regarding Overdrive from Ms. McAndrews:

5.    Once / if we hear that we can move ahead with instruction we will most likely use Overdrive to set up Lit Circles. Details will follow in the event we move to actual instruction.

6.    If you owe work:  you may complete it and send it to me, but we have been told by district office that we cannot grade it until we hear otherwise. I know some of you have been concerned about that; rest assured that I will help you navigate through all of this as best I can.  Worksheets and forms can be found on the blog page.  If you missed the essay test we will figure that out at a later date.

I haven't heard from about half the class as of 3/29.  Please send me an email ASAP so that we can move forward with everyone.  If you know that someone doesn't have access please let an administrator know and they will work on that.

If you have suggestions for good Fantasy novels / short stories send them my way and I'll start an online list for the class.

Ms. Richard


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